Join us as we recognize dedicated social work and social service professionals at the Social Work Awards Ceremony! On October 21 from 12pm to 1pm, we will be commending extraordinary individuals, organizations, and professionals for their achievements and significant contributions to the social work field. We look forward to having you join us as we take time to appreciate the impact that social workers have on the communities they serve. At the virtual Awards Ceremony, conference attendees and guests will hear the stories that led each of these exemplary leaders to the NASW-CA stage, and have the opportunity to thank them for their service to our profession.
NASW-CA is proud to uplift social workers and social service professionals for embodying NASW values and ethics in their practice and advancing social justice in their communities. Please join us in celebrating and congratulating our 2022 statewide award winners!
Lifetime Achievement
Stacie Hiramoto, MSW
Stacie Hiramoto, MSW, has been a proud social worker and NASW member for
many years. She is one of the founders and currently the Director of the Racial and
Ethnic Mental Health Disparities Coalition (REMHDCO). After direct practice in the
field of developmental disabilities, Stacie found her passion in policy and advocacy.
She worked in the legislature and afterwards, as a legislative advocate. At the time,
she was one of only a few Asian women who were registered lobbyists in California.
She worked with housing and mental health advocates to pass legislation that brought
California into compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988,
protecting people with disabilities from housing discrimination
Stacie is very proud to have served as Director of Legislative Affairs and Government
Relations for the California Chapter of NASW. She is grateful to NASW for providing
so many opportunities for career growth and leadership experience, including serving
as Vice President on the National Board, as well as President to the Board of the
California Chapter. She received her MSW from the University of California,
Berkeley’s Graduate School of Social Welfare. Stacie is indebted to her husband, Ken
Koyama, as well as her entire family, for always supporting her career in social work

Social Worker of the Year
Debra Waters-Roman, Ed.D, MSW, LCSW, LCP
Dr. Debra Waters-Roman is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Clinical
Psychologist in the state of California. Dr. Waters-Roman currently serves as a Clinical
Associate Professor at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. As a
Clinical Associate Professor, Dr. Waters-Roman manages the Public Child Welfare
Stipend Program, which prepares MSW candidates for a career in the field of public
child welfare. Prior to joining USC, Dr. Waters-Roman worked for the Los Angeles
County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) for over thirty years.
While employed at DCFS, Dr. Waters-Roman served as a public child welfare
worker, supervisor and trainer. Dr. Waters-Roman has presented at several state and
national conferences on topics including child abuse and maltreatment, trauma related
work, risk assessment and public child welfare practice and policy. In addition to her
work at USC, Dr. Waters-Roman conducts psychological evaluations on behalf of
individuals seeking asylum and provides services to individuals on the autism
spectrum and their families. Dr. Waters-Roman also delivers mental health services to
trauma survivors of all ages through a community-based mental health clinic.

Community Member of the Year
Jeffrey Stabile
Jeff Stabile has been a leader in the community on LGBTQIA+ issues, mental health,
veterans’ services. A U.S. Air Force and Vietnam Veteran, Jeff started the Santa Clarita
Valley (SCV) PFLAG (Parents, Families, Friends & Allies of Lesbians & Gays) and was
instrumental in the formation of the Santa Clarita Veteran Services Collaborative
(SCVSC), which is a leader in the area of serving Veterans providing services and
linkages for veterans needing housing, mental health counseling, food, and benefits.
Jeff is a member of the Santa Clarita Veteran Services Collaborative (SCVSC) Board of
Directors, presents talks to various groups about SCVSC services; conducts fundraisers since the organization is supported completely through donations; regularly searches out, trains,
and coordinates volunteers; picks up food for the pantry twice a week; staffs resource
tables at various events; publishes the newsletter; disseminates all news releases and PR
articles; plans events with other community partners; and appears on local radio and TV
to promote the veterans organization. He has additional volunteer experience with the
Special Olympics, Red Cross, Graffiti Removal programs, and the Suicide Prevention,
PostVention, and Wellness Committee in LA County.

Organization of the Year
Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAASF)
Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) was founded in 1969 to protect the civil and
political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the
United States. Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian
American and Pacific Islander community. They advocate for systemic change that
protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social
CAA’s vision fifty years ago that endures today is of a world that works for everyone —
a world in which all people live free from bigotry, discrimination, hate, prejudice, and
bias. Core civil rights principles such as inclusion, equity, justice, and compassion guide
the type of change they seek to achieve and the values they seek to embody.
Though much progress over the past five decades has been made, it is clear that since
2016 we are in a moment of great danger and great opportunity. With the rights and
well-being of historically disenfranchised, marginalized, and vulnerable communities
under ferocious attack, CAA is stepping up in all areas of its work to meet growing
demands for assistance and leadership.