The need for social workers to be social justice leaders and professional helpers of people in need is the greatest it has been in my life time. The Monterey County Unit of NASW wants to continue to have a presence and to advocate for social justice and for social workers in Monterey County. For the past 10 years the current leadership has chaired the Unit and along with a committed steering committee have re-established the Unit and provided continuing education events, supported the CSUMB Social Work Department and annually celebrate Social Work Month every March.
We are recruiting new volunteers to take over leadership roles in the Unit. This is an opportunity to step forward and receive mentorship from your local unit and training from our Local Region B leaders. Our goal is to take the next 6 months to transition into these positions however, mentoring and support from current leaders will always be available. The time commitment ranges from 2-3 hours a month depending on the plans established by the Unit.
If you are interested in any of the volunteer positions below please contact Unit Chair Lynne Dixon by email at lwdixon@sbcglobal.net
Positions Available:
– Chairperson of Unit (must be a paid member of NASW)
– Continuing Education Event Lead
– Advocacy Lead
– Social Media Lead