Attending the largest social work lobby days in California?
Join us in building excitement for our Legislative Lobby Days on April 21 & April 22 in Sacramento! We’ve created graphics for you to share on your platforms to let your friends and colleagues know you are attending and advocating for social justice and equity this April. Please find and download the sample graphics and messaging below, share on your social channels, tag us at @naswca and use the hashtag #2024LobbyDays, and help us spread the word! Or, you can download or print the 2024 Lobby Days flyer.
Thank you for helping us create a successful and impactful Lobby Days.
Sample Graphics
How to download:
- Hover your mouse over the image you wish to download.
- Right click over the image and click ‘Save image as’
- Choose your image’s saved location and click ‘Save’

Sample Messaging
- I’m counting down the days until @naswca #2024LobbyDays in Sacramento! Join me on April 21 & 22 to engage in political and social action. https://cvent.me/7EZLDr
- I can’t wait to gain real-world lobbying experience and make a lasting impact on state policy. Join me at @naswca LobbyDays on April 21 & 22. #2024LobbyDays https://cvent.me/7EZLDr
- Advocate for social work and social justice with me and @naswca at #2024LobbyDays on April 21 & 22. I hope I see you there! https://cvent.me/7EZLDr
Please contact Tatyana Timonichev at ttimonichev.naswca@socialworkers.org with any questions about 2024 Legislative Lobby Days.