Know your voting rights! Voter intimidation is illegal. Read Georgetown Law’s Fact Sheet Protecting Against Voter Intimidation.
If the polls close while you’re in line, STAY IN LINE! You have the right to receive help at the polls if you’re a voter with a disability or have difficulty reading or writing in English. If an election worker can’t find your name on the list of registered voters, you’re still entitled to a provisional ballot.
If you experience voter intimidation (a federal crime) such as aggressive questioning about your citizenship status, criminal record, or voting record, you can report it to the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) or call 911.
866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) – English hotline
888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682) – Spanish/English
844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287) – Arabic/English hotline
888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) – Bengali, Cantonese,
Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, Urdu and Vietnamese hotline
ASL (Video call) (1-303-818-8683)
Social Work Voter Checklist
- Make your own #plantovote! Not registered? No problem in 21 states and DC! Find out if you can register and vote on Election Day in your state. Find out if you can vote in person before Election Day.
- TRIPLE YOUR IMPACT: Contact 3 friends to remind them to vote. Ask them to contact three friends and so on.
- Use VotER’s Democracy STAT Toolkit And don’t stop using your VotER Healthy Democracy Kit after November 3rd.
- Don’t forget we are voting for more than the next President! Find out about candidates in your state at vote411.org.
- Give staff and students time to vote, volunteer and/or work at the polls on election day! Or sign up yourself at protectthevote.org or powertothepolls.org!
Sign up to call or text voters:
Social Work Votes’ phone banks.
Southern Poverty Law Center Power Hour
Or contact a campaign that inspires you!