From the Board of Behavioral Sciences:
We have been granted extensions to 2 COVID waivers.
Registration & License renewal waiver – extended to include expiration dates of 8/31/2021 & 9/30/2021.
** Keep in mind, you must meet your renewal requirement within 6 months. Those who may have renewed their registration last year without the exam, are required to attempt the exam.
** No application necessary
Please see the FAQ here > https://bbs.ca.gov/pdf/bbs_wavier_faqs.pdf
Actual waiver here > https://www.dca.ca.gov/licensees/dca_21_175.pdf
Clinical Exam (Initial & Retakes) all license types with eligible END date between 8/1/21 – 9/30/21 will be extended by 8 months.
** The total extension equals 20 months. If you were extended last year due to COVID waiver, you will not qualify for the additional extension. No application necessary , we will be working behind the scenes for the next 2 weeks to extend all eligible records.
Please see the FAQ here > https://bbs.ca.gov/pdf/exam_retake_faq.pdf
Actual waiver here > https://www.dca.ca.gov/licensees/dca_21_174.pdf