Is your organization hiring a Social Worker? Do you operate programs that involve Social Workers? Seek out expertise to advance your impact!
NASW-CA offers a variety of training and consultation services from qualified professionals who are ready to help you enhance your organization and practice, to maximize the benefits of employing the Social Work workforce. Organizations who qualify for these services are broad and can include direct service organizations, faith-based institutions, public services such as libraries and public safety agencies, pharmacies and health care institutions, advocacy and legal aid entities, technology and for-profit companies, and many more. The Social Workers Movement is powered by a group of thought leaders and experts who develop, lead, and facilitate training and technical assistance for organizational leaders and/or their direct service staff.

Our consultants are well-versed in numerous topics ranging from community needs assessments, program development and evaluation, to advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion practice and leadership. The Social Workers Movement consists of organizational capacity building opportunities that help agencies, companies, and those who lead them broaden and maximize the impact they have on their communities and actively support and sustain the wellness of the staff who fuel their services. Together, we can transform all service entities to be more inclusive, deeply impactful, and sustainable in its greatest sense. If your organization is interested in consultative and training services from NASW-CA, please email contact@naswca.org to schedule a free consultation.
The Social Workers Movement was built to assure Social Work programs are built by, led by, and informed by professional Social Workers. Know of any agency that can benefit? Refer them to us by emailing contact@naswca.org.

Use this technical assistance guide to walk you through considerations and steps to strengthen programs and service models that involve the Social Work profession. NASW-CA is proud to offer training and technical assistance to the broader community about how to engage, support, and leverage the power of the social work workforce.