Be advised that this is a paid advertisement and does not necessarily reflect the views of the National Association of Social Workers, CA Chapter.

The Sisters of the Little Company of Mary and Providence TrinityCare Hospice Foundation announces two 11-month, full-time, inperson, interprofessional fellowship positions for one qualified chaplain and one qualified social worker for the 2024-2025 academic year August 5, 2024, through June 27, 2025, in award winning, nationally recognized, and Joint Commission accredited Providence programs located in Torrance, California.
The goals for the fellows are four-fold:
- To develop advanced practice competencies through keen clinical observation and experiential learning. This will be accomplished through rotations in inpatient and in-home settings, with pediatric and adult patients in hospice, palliative care and bereavement services under experienced supervision and mentorship.
- To develop advanced competencies through didactic learning, discussion and daily debriefs with Co-Directors/Mentors. Exposure to nationally known leaders in the field of palliative care and hospice as guest speakers. Content includes psychosocial and spiritual assessment, pain management, management of non-pain symptoms, illness trajectories, ethical/legal concerns, communication with patient/family and medical team, cultural issues, and team wellbeing. Fellows are encouraged to customize electives based on their areas of interest. Examples of electives include philanthropy, quality improvement, diversity, equity and inclusion in palliative care, grief and bereavement and palliative care in specialized clinical settings.
- We are committed to creating a supportive and caring environment for the fellows. We prioritize internal growth and the development of self-awareness, both personally and professionally during this transformational year.
- To develop, support, and empower future leaders in the field of hospice and palliative care.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Qualified chaplain candidates will have 4 or more units of CPE, at least one year of hospice or palliative care chaplaincy clinical experience and be board certification eligible
- Qualified social work candidates will have an MSW from a CSWE-accredited program and at least one year of clinical experience in hospice or palliative care.
Stipend and Benefits:
- $60,000 with full benefits.
If interested, please send CV and a letter including what attracts you to this fellowship (250 words) to Anne.O’Halloran@providence.org.
Program Director and Mentor: Leslie Adams MSW
Co-Director and Mentor: Glen I. Komatsu MD
Project Manager: Anne O’Halloran