As Social Work Month comes to an end, the Social Work Occupational Council invites you to a webinar on March 31 at 6:30 pm PT.
Learn from a professional organizer on their rights in the workplace and how to build solidarity and unity to secure better working conditions. Participants are encouraged to submit questions in advance. We will be joined by Fernando Hernandez, Lead Organizer with Western States Regional Joint Board.
Q & A will be led by NASW-CA Occupational Council Co-Chairs:
- Brian Kaufman, LCSW,
- Matthew Tidd, LCSW
- Cklara Moradian, LCSW
This event is free to attend. Registration is encouraged.
Please contact naswcaswoc@gmail.com with any questions.
Fernando Hernandez
Lead Organizer
Western States Regional Joint Board, Workers United-SEIU
Office: 800-920-0407 | Cell: 323-331-0965| Fax: 213-385.2615
920 S. Alvarado St., Los Angeles, CA 90006