This group is facilitated by Crystal Haviland, LPCC and happens Wednesdays 6pm Online.
Email Info@bayareagroupcenter.com or call 510-394-2492 for more information. This space is intended for those who identify as neurodivergent (any sort of disability, condition, or mental illness that is outside the established “norm” innate or acquired.) In the broader culture many neurodivergent folks share experiences of being misunderstood and othered. The purpose of this group is to deepen your understanding of yourself and your relationship patterns. Group offers a chance to get real-time feedback about how others are perceiving you, opportunities to practice new interpersonal skills, and an atmosphere of liberatory expression, acceptance, and emotional growth.
Crystal Haviland will facilitate this group from a relational and parts perspective. Members will learn to understand and speak for, rather than act from, parts of themselves in the service of finding more self-compassion and more ease in external relationships.
Be advised that this is a paid advertisement and does not necessarily reflect the views of the National Association of Social Workers, CA Chapter.