As a follow up to our June 7th discussion on re-opening your private practice – we are hosting a check-in on this same topic. Some clinicians have re-opened, some have closed their physical offices, some are still tentatively going to re-open if it is safe – some of us don’t know what to do as information on the pandemic changes by the minute. Join S. Jolene Hui, LCSW and Teresa Ejanda-Sano, LCSW to discuss your thoughts, plans, questions. Zoom link will be sent approx. 24 hours prior to event.
Registration is now open: https://www.naswca.org/events/eventdetails.aspx?id=1410098!
FREE for members & non-members
Registration will be limited.
For more info email us: membership@naswca.org
Teresa Ejanda-Sano is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Clinical Social Work Supervisor with the Whole Person Care Program of Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. Prior to HealthCare, she had 14 years experience working in child welfare and mental health. Teresa is a second generation Filipina American whose values were formed through witnessing her immigrant parents providing support to other family members and immigrants adjusting to life in the United States. She was fortunate to have mentors who helped shape her identity and supported her to feel seen. Outside of her full-time work, she has a part-time private practice. She is a mother of 3 children, 2 cats, wants a puppy, and has a partner who indulges her impulsive desires to start new hobbies.
S. Jolene Hui is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who is the Director of Membership for NASW-CA. She is adjunct field faculty for the MSW Program at California State University, Dominguez Hills and a therapist in private practice. She is a foodie who loves to run, watch TV, and spend time with her family.