GOAL: To recruit and increase the number of Native American social workers. NASW-CA will provide up to TEN $1,000 scholarships to Native American undergraduate or graduate social work students in California.
Graduate and undergraduate students must be enrolled in a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited school of social work in California.
If applying as an undergraduate, you must be in your senior year with a declared social work major.
If applying as a graduate student, you must be enrolled or accepted into a MSW program starting in the fall.
Previous scholarship recipients are welcome to apply again with the understanding that applicants with no history of receiving this scholarship will have priority. Applicants must be a member of NASW or join NASW to apply.
Application Deadline: August 31, 2021
Please apply here: www.naswca.org/page/NativeAmericanApp
Email any attachments to membership@naswca.org!