NASW-CA applauds Governor Gavin Newsom’s decision to appoint Assemblymember Robert Bonta to be our next Attorney General of California. Assm. Bonta, currently representing the East Bay area in the California Legislature, will be the first Filipino-American legislator to hold statewide office. We hope that Assm. Bonta will be instrumental in restoring faith that our state will promote racial equity in the justice system, and will lead his office ethically, making sure that perpetrators of hate crimes and those who take advantage of systemic inequities against vulnerable communities will be brought to justice. Mr. Bonta’s career thus far has demonstrated that he is a fierce advocate not only for the AAPI community, but also for the LGBTQ+ community and is proudly supported by a coalition of progressive groups from across the state. We look forward to seeing the progress and positive change that Assm. Bonta will achieve over the next few years.