The Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development (CNLI) has finalized the preliminary slate for our 2023 elections. Today starts the petition process to Chapter members. The petition process allows non-slated NASW-CA members to add their names by submitting a petition to the Chapter Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development within 30 days of this announcement (March 10, 2023).
If you are a NASW-CA member and would like to add your name to the preliminary slate, you must submit a petition to the Committee on Nomination Leadership and Identification (CNLI) by April 10, 2023.
Petition process requirements:
- For a statewide position, the petition must include signatures from at least 2% of the total number of chapter members with representation from each Region.
- For a Regional position, the petition must include signatures representing 2% of the total number of Region members.
- CNLI must verify that petition signers are members of the Association, the chapter, and in the case of Regional positions, the appropriate Region.
- CNLI must verify that the petition contains the number of eligible signatures required for the specific position for which it has been submitted.
After the thirty day period, the slate will be finalized and NASW-CA members will have the opportunity to vote for leadership positions within the Chapter and their respective regions. We look forward to engaging you in our election process and appreciate your participation.
Please email contact@naswca.org with any questions.
2023 Chapter Elections Preliminary Slate
Member-at-Large Legislative & Political Affairs
Cheryl Blankenship Kupras, MSW, LCSW
Sabrina Gillan, MSW
Member-at-Large Membership & Organizational Services
Marcos Seide, MSW
Rio Bauce, ASW
Jayanthi Daniel, MSW
Jose Ramos, MSW, MBA
Cynthia Rognlien, MSW
No SECOND Candidate Slated
Region C Director
Michaella Conteh, MSW, ACSW
Prem Pariyar, ASW
Region E Director
Jenna Pryor, MSW
Lynn Waldman Flax, LCSW
Region G Director
Yeji Lee, MA, MSW, ASCW
Hilario Vasquez, MSW, PPSC, CADC-II
Student Director North (MSW)
Ash Abri, BSW
No SECOND Candidate Slated
Student Director South (BSW)
Rahab Trejo
No SECOND Candidate Slated
CNLI Chair
Tina Paddock, MSW, LCSW
Susan Hess, MSW, LCSW-IL
CNLI Region A
Amanda Silva, MSW, ASW
No SECOND Candidate Slated
CNLI Region C
Crystal Blanton, LCSW, SUDCC IV-CS
No SECOND Candidate Slated
CNLI Region F
Anastacia Escoboza-Henry, MSW, MHA
No SECOND Candidate Slated