Glendale Adventist Medical Center in Glendale, California currently has a Full Time and two Per Diem openings for a LCSW...
Forensic Psychotherapist Positions: SHARPER FUTURE, a well-established California mental health agency serving individuals referred through the criminal justice system, has...
Beautiful new office to sublet in modern therapy suite in Huntington Beach. Free parking, great view, large waiting room. Full...
San Diego. Bankers Hill/Hillcrest: Fully furnished office in charming professional California craftsman. Secure garden entrance on quiet, tree-lined street. Client parking...
Irvine. Unfurnished Office Spaces (14 x 10 square feet) in professional mental health suite—must be licensed mental health professional. Referrals...
Furnished offices available at the Behavioral Diabetes Institute. Full-time lease for office plus large group space is $850 per month. Half...
NASW-CA Chapter
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Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: 916-442-4565
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