Located in Oakland, CA, Family Builders is a non-profit, licensed foster care and adoption agency. We are hiring a Program...
The Telecare El Dorado Psychiatric Health Facility is an acute inpatient program. The Director of Social Services directs the Social Services...
You are cordially invited to celebrate The Renfrew Center’s 30th Anniversary at a professional open house on Friday, May 1st...
Youth & Family Services Manager-ClinicalCity of Livermore, CA $8,478-$10,597/mo.Management position responsible for Horizons Program of the Livermore Police Department which...
Social Worker, Palliative Care (MSW)Motion Picture & Television Fund has a fulltime position requiring an MSW, qualified to be Certified...
Sublet: Quiet, serene and beautiful furnished therapist's office in downtown Pacific Grove. Great building with free wi-fi. Available 1 to 3days...
Tranquil, residential environment designed for mental health practitioner. Sound-proofed; Call light system; Furnished waiting room; Brick Fireplace; Individual climate control;...
CEU’s for Yoga as Mind-Body Medicine: Workshops on Yoga, Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Psychology, + Movement Therapy with Bo Forbes for CEU...
Well-established, San Fernando Valley Mental Health Group Practice has openings for full-time clinicians to take paid insurance-based referrals. Therapists may...
Program Director: Full-time, exempt position starting at $63,838 - $70,382/year. Contact Kim Gilbert at hresources@tlcssac.org or (916) 441--123, ext. 1000.
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