NASW Members, as part of our mission to advocate for the clients we serve, it is our civic duty to do what we can to help get the word count and get everyone counted in California. As you may know, every ten years our federal government conducts a census to count everyone living in the United States. This is one of the main ways in which the US Congress then appropriates funds for each state and region. Please do your part in making sure everyone counts! From the CA Census website:
The California Census Office has compiled the resources below to make it easier for partners and stakeholders to join the State’s efforts. Help spread the message about the importance of participating in the 2020 Census to communities throughout California.
California faces the greatest barriers in the nation to ensure an accurate count and thus receive a fair share of federal funding and Congressional representation. That’s why state leaders are devoting significant funding to the California Census Office’s strategic outreach and communication campaign, an effort will seek to reach more than 13.5 million households in California to raise awareness of the 2020 Census and motivate the hardest-to-count Californians to respond. Those that are considered hard-to-count (HTC) are least likely to respond to the Census questionnaire without specialized outreach and assistance.
Please click here for resources: