NASW-CA is thrilled to announce its final candidates for the 2024 Chapter and Regional Leadership Election! In collaboration with the Chapter, these candidates will help drive our programming, member resources and benefits, advocacy efforts, and more. Voting ballots are now open, and we invite all NASW-CA members to cast their vote for statewide Board Director positions and Regional leadership positions. With over 8,200 NASW-CA members and over 78,000 social workers in California, your vote will help us continue to work with dedicated leaders in supporting the social work community and assisting our priorities and direction in the years ahead.
NASW-CA active members are eligible to cast their vote annually for statewide Board Director positions and Region-specific leadership positions. Members in good standing have received an email of their official voting ballot and instructions on how to participate. If you are a NASW-CA member who did not receive a ballot, please contact naswca@socialworkers.org to verify your membership and to receive access to the appropriate ballot.
Voting is open now until April 12, 2024. 2024 elected candidates’ terms will begin July 1, 2024. We invite all active NASW-CA members to make your voice heard and help to drive the next phase of our work. We are grateful to the leaders who stepped up to serve in leadership roles within our Association.
About the Election Process
Voting Eligibility: To ensure that only active NASW-CA members are voting in annual elections, your membership will be verified as part of this election process. You are an active member if your membership dues are current. Your registered member name and member ID is required but will not be used for any other purposes other than to verify your vote. Votes cast from expired or suspended membership are ineligible to vote. All ineligible votes will be removed from the total votes cast from a submitted ballot.
If you need support to look up your member ID, you can find your Member ID by going to https://www.socialworkers.org/MY-NASW and select “Update Member Profile,” login and your Member ID will be provided to you. You may also call 916.442.4565 or email naswca@socialworkers.org. Please include your First and Last Name in the email request.
DISCLAIMER: Please do not share your voting ballot link with any person. We have sent the ballot to all active NASW-CA members via email. Member information provided in the submitted region ballot will not be used for any purposes other than to validate a vote.
Your 2024 Candidate Slate
2024 Board of Directors Candidates
Member-at-Large Professional Development
- Dr. Yehudah Pryce, DSW, MSW
First Vice President
- Elisa Lewis, LCSW
Vice President of Finance
- Rebekah Taylor, LCSW
- Maritza Bojórquez, DSW, LCSW, MSW
Region B Director
- Guillermo Rodriguez, DSW (c), MSW, ASW, CADC II
Region F Director
- Dretona Maddox, LCSW
Region H Director
- Khush Cooper, MSW, PhD.
Student Director North (BSW)
Student Director South (MSW)
- Zoey Bond
2024 Assistant Regional Director Candidates
Region C Assistant Regional Director
- Marya Wright, DSW(c) MSW BSW
Region D Assistant Regional Director (South)
Region G Assistant Regional Director
Region I Assistant Regional Director
- Marissa Enriquez
2024 Committee on Nominations and Leadership Identification (CNLI) Candidates
CNLI Region B
CNLI Region D
- Travis Cronin
CNLI Region E
CNLI Region G/H/I (Two positions are available)
CNLI Region G/H/I (Two positions are available)
2024 Delegate Assembly Candidates
Delegate Assembly Region A
- Rio Bauce, ASW
Delegate Assembly Region B
Delegate Assembly Region C
Delegate Assembly Region D
- Sashareen Arthur-Nembhard, MSW
Delegate Assembly Region E
Delegate Assembly Region F
- Mercedes Samudio, LCSW
Delegate Assembly Region G
- Mike Foster, LCSW
Delegate Assembly Region H
- Khush Cooper, MSW, PhD.
Delegate Assembly Region I
Delegate Assembly Student Representative (BSW/MSW)
- Eddison Contreras
Delegate Assembly Member-At-Large (Four positions are available)
- Kristine Kwok, LCSW
Delegate Assembly Member-At-Large (Four positions are available)
- Dretona Maddox, LCSW
Delegate Assembly Member-At-Large (Four positions are available)
- Jakob Markovits, ASW, MSW
Delegate Assembly Member-At-Large (Four positions are available)
- Linda Sewerbridges, MSW