Region E: San Diego, Imperial

10 years ago

True North Tavern EventRegion E held a recent event where social workers came and enjoyed a night of meeting other…

Serving the Same Populations: Collaborating for Better Outcomes

10 years ago

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Region C: Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa, Solano

10 years ago

Reviving Region CBy Deborah Son, MSWI'd like to introduce myself and invite you to join our growing region's team!My name…

Two California Grad Students Committed to Latino Empowerment Awarded National Social Work Scholarships

10 years ago

NASW Foundation Announces Educational AwardsWASHINGTON, D.C.--The National Association of Social Workers Foundation (NASWF) recently announced winners of the 2014 Consuelo…

Tips on Having a Successful Leadership Experience

10 years ago

By Shirley Gentilini, MSW, LCSWIn August, 89 delegates voted to continue NASW Delegate Assembly structure in its current form and…

Region B: San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Silicon Valley

10 years ago

Monthly Silicon Valley Unit Activities1st Thursday of the month: Leadership planning meetingCome get involved. Anyone is welcome to join in…

Women’s Council

10 years ago

How to Discourage People with Criminal Histories from Becoming Social WorkersBy Marilyn MontenegroAccording to the National Employment Law Project there…

Member Profile: Wilfred Lee, LCSW from Region H

10 years ago

By S. Jolene Hui, LCSW, Membership CoordinatorWilfred Lee is the perfect example of why both macro practice and micro practice…

Translational Social Work Roundtable

10 years ago

October 3, 2014 at CSUSLeft to right: Catharine Ralph, Shaaron Gilson, Tracy Kent, Emily Bruce, Dorinda Wiseman and Janlee Wong

New Roadmap to Chronic Care

10 years ago

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