Los Angeles County’s Budget Adds Jobs For Social Workers, Sheriff’s Deputies, Nurses

10 years ago

Los Angeles Daily NewsLos Angeles County budget officials Monday released a proposed $26.9-billion budget for 2015-16 that would fund about…

API Social Worker Council: Diana Ming Chan Bilingual Social Worker Scholarship

10 years ago

The Asian Pacific Islander Social Work Council (APISWC) of the California Chapter of NASW is proud to announce the applications…

Member Spotlight: Marina Ovanessian, MSW from Region G

10 years ago

By S. Jolene Hui, LCSW, Membership CoordinatorMarina Ovanessian has had quite a journey leading to her career in social work.…

The Importance of Licensure

10 years ago

By S. Jolene Hui, LCSW, Membership CoordinatorI recently read an article that bothered me. It was an opinion piece on the…

Virtual Career Fair on May 19 – Register Here!

10 years ago

Social Work Students: Are you Graduating this Spring?Are you looking to advance your career, or re-enter the workforce? Then you'll…

San Francisco Unit Free CEU Event

10 years ago

The San Francisco unit will host a free CEU (1.5) and networking event on Thursday, June 3, 2015 from 5:30pm…

Save the Date! Child Welfare Evidence-Informed Webinar Series

10 years ago

Save the Date: June 15, 2015 [gview file="https://naswcanews.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/EVENTS-Save-Date-EBP-Webinars-post-may-12.pdf"]

Social Work goes to the Movies!

10 years ago

By Cheryl Blankenship Kupras, MSW, LCSWMay is Hepatitis C Awareness Month so it is only fitting that this month’s movie…

Be a Digital Advocacy Fellow for the National Alliance of Caregiving

10 years ago

The National Alliance for Caregiving is looking for a “Digital Advocacy Fellow” who is interested in exploring work related to…