Asian Pacific Islander Social Work Council
Membership 2014-2015
National Association of Social Workers, California Chapter
c/o Quarry Pak
P.O. Box 591073
San Francisco, CA 94159
Dear Members and Potential Members:
The Steering Committee of the Asian Pacific Islander Social Work Council invites you to join our Council. For existing members, it is time to renew your membership which is due each year on July 1.
General membership dues are $10.00 and dues for students and retired social workers are $6.00. Still the best deal in town! We even have a Lifetime Membership at $150.
Your dues help to defray our organization’s operational costs which include food and beverages at meetings/events and honoraria for guest speakers.
Please take a moment to complete the bottom portion of this form and mail it with a check (made payable to APISWC-NASW) to the Council. The Council is planning some exciting workshops for the coming year. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings and special events.
APISWC Steering Committee
Home Phone _______________________________________
Work Phone _______________________________________
Email Address __________________________________________
Please check appropriate line(s):
____ Renewal ($10.00)
____ New Member ($10.00)
____ Student or retired social worker ($6.00)
____ Lifetime membership ($150.00)
Please make checks payable to APISWC-NASW and send to Asian Pacific Islander Social Work Council, c/o Quarry Pak, P.O. Box 591073, San Francisco, CA 94159.
Thank you for your support!
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