Social workers' commitment to improving the quality of life brings a vital perspective to public decision-making. That is why NASW-CA's…
Since our last update, the Governor released his May Revision of the State Budget. California is still in good economic…
The Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) is hosting a 4-day summit on August 28 - August 31, 2022!…
The API Social Work Council hosts monthly networking forums to build community and mentorship. Each month, they feature a social worker to…
While we are proud to feature opinion pieces from our members and colleagues in the field, be advised that opinions…
NASW-CA's Social Work Occupational Council invites you to a free event on July 16, 12pm - 1:30pm PT! We will…
Applications for the Wellness Crisis Call Center and Response Team (WCCCRT; formerly known as Alternatives to 911) Advisory Committee is…
Socialize and find support among like-minded LGBTQ+ social workers. This is a space for folks to make new friends, discuss…
Join fellow Orange County social workers for a time to socialize and be together on June 6th from 7pm – 8pm PT! Our…
“The title ‘social worker’ invokes the shared history, training, ethics and practices of a 115-year-old profession... We need to ensure…