Burbank Marriott Hotel!
Plenary Speaker and Red Cross Volunteer
You Can Heal Your Heart
Friday, October 24, 2014
Presenter: David Kessler
David Kessler is one of the world’s foremost experts on healing and loss. His experience with thousands of people on the edge of life and death has taught him the secrets to living a happy and fulfilled life. He is the author of five bestselling books, including the newly released You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After Breakup, Divorce or Death with Louise Hay. He co-authored two bestsellers with the legendary Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, On Grief and Grieving and Life Lessons. His first book, The Needs of the Dying, a number one best-selling hospice book, received praise by Mother Teresa. His website www.grief.com has had over a million visitors!
Grief, Triggers and Other Normal Reactions
Course #:B-3
CEUs: 1.5
Friday, October 24, 2014
Presenter: David Kessler
Sponsored by: American Red Cross Council
In all of our lives we will encounter the pain of loss. Between disasters, death and many other losses in our modern world, has grief become a problem to be fixed?
American Red Cross Council Socializing and Networking Meeting
Join the NASW-CA American Red Cross Statewide Council for our annual meeting to share your experiences and for newcomers to learn how to become an American Red Cross volunteer! There are volunteer opportunities for students to LCSWs to retirees!
Friday, October 24, 2014
Meet at the Marriott Hotel Lobby Shuttle area for a complimentary ride to Market City Cafe
http://marketcityburbank.com/ in downtown Burbank.
The Council provides complimentary appetizers for attendees to enjoy followed by a “no host dinner/drinks” with a minimum $10 order/person.
Contact Joni Diamond, co-chair for any questions, at jonidiamondlcsw@gmail.com
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A dark green background with a pale green border. A white rectangle text box in…
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Text reads "SLO Unit: EMDR in the Treatment of Psychological Trauma and How to Access…
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