Categories: News

Request for Proposal: Deadline Approaching




Proposal Deadline: September 30, 2018

1.2. Statement of Purpose

The California Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW-CA) invites proposals to create a two to three-minute informational animated video regarding NASW.  The purpose of the video is to highlight NASW’s mission – to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards for social workers, and to advance sound social policies. In addition, it will explain the structure of NASW (both the national and chapter structures). For more information on NASW, see

1.3. Background Information

With nearly 10,000 NASW members and countless non-members in the state of California, NASW-CA would like a tool to educate members and non-members on how the association functions and highlighting its achievements, along with member benefits. This would also be used as a membership-recruiting tool for social workers across California.

1.4. Scope of Work

The contractor will be called on to create a video on the National Association of Social Workers that is two to three minutes in length for viewing on NASW-CA’s website, containing music and closed captioning, to be supplied by the contractor. The total budget available for the project will range from $2000.00 to $5000.00.The contractor will work with NASW-CA to create a plan of production. Contractor will develop script in partnership with NASW-CA, and will make narration script revisions as appropriate for video format. In addition, the contractor will be required to record and engineer audio narration, obtain licenses for any stock imagery and/or audio used in the video, host draft versions, and transfer the final product to NASW-CA by the contract end date in a format that can be used universally.

1.5. Reporting and Consultation

  1. The Contractor will provide regular progress update reports to NASW-CA on a monthly basis.

1.7. Term of Contract

  1. The projected contract term is mid to late November to March 31, 2019.
  2. Proposals may request that the contract end date be extended, but must provide compelling reasons in support of that request.

1.10. Requirements for Proposal Preparation

The proposal should contain at least the following elements:

  • A brief organizational description, including a discussion of the qualifications of key personnel who would be performing the contract services;
  • A statement as to the organization’s specific qualifications for this project;
  • A production schedule building in all key dates;
  • Budget details for each phase of the production (production options may be provided based on the specified budget range for the project);
  • One or more samples of the organization’s prior work (preferably on a similar topic and/or using animation); and
  • At least three client references (with contact information).

The proposal must be submitted in an electronic format and emailed to S. Jolene Hui at

1.11. Evaluation and Award Process

An NASW-CA committee will evaluate the proposals and make a recommendation to the NASW-CA Board of Directors at their October 2018 meeting. Interviews with finalist bidders may be necessary. The selected bidder will be notified within one week of the decision.

1.12. Process Schedule

Proposal deadline: September 30, 2018.

1.13. Point of contact for more information: S. Jolene Hui, Membership Director, at or 916-379-7577.


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