Check out the 2018 National Child Abuse Prevention Month Website
Each April, National Child Abuse Prevention Month recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect and promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families.
Explore and share dozens of tip sheets for parents—available in English and Spanish
Bookmark three activity calendars for prevention programs, parents, and community partners. Each calendar is full of activities and events for you to engage with families all year long.
Test your knowledge with six Protective Factors in Practice interactive scenarios that demonstrate how multiple protective factors support and strengthen families experiencing stress
Access the new Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) section to learn how traumatic childhood events can lead to negative outcomes in adulthood and what communities are doing to help
Spread the word with our sample email signatures, widgets, and social media posts to promote National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Join the conversation and share your thoughts on Facebook or Twitter. Use #NCAPM2018 and #PreventionMonth
Want to share the news with your networks? Use this post!
The #NCAPM2018 website is now live with resources for preventing child abuse & neglect. #PreventionMonth |
Let us know how you like the updated website. Take our survey!
For more information on Prevention Month, contact Child Welfare Information Gateway at
1.800.394.3366 or