Thursday, Oct. 22, 12-2pm CDT / 10-12pm PST Call to Action Virtual MeetingHosted by State Senator Jose Menendez, NASW/TX ,…
School crisis readiness is essential. Response is critical. And: what happens after matters, too. SCRR supports students, educators, school staff,…
NASW released PACE's endorsements for congressional candidates in all 50 states. We've compiled the endorsements for candidates running for office…
Please Join us for The So Cal Social Work Women's Council Social Work Justice and Ethics Workshop: UNWINDING THE HANDMAID'S…
We would just like to annouce that the presenter for, "How COVID-19 Changed Use of Technology in Social Work" –…
If you are not sure about what this year's ballot propositions are about, check out our CalPACE Committee's recommendations for…
GOAL: To recruit and increase the number of Native American social workers. NASW-CA will provide up to TEN $1,000 scholarships to Native American…
We'd like to announce that one of our sessions, "Cultural Competency in Disaster Mental Health" by Robin Siegal, has been…
From the CA Board of Behavioral Sciences: Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-39-20, during the current State ofEmergency, the…
To support current NASW-CA members who are ASWs or LCSWs and have lost their permanent residence or employment as a result…