CALL TO ACTION: Stand With Texas Social Workers To End Discrimination! Two Events This Week – Sign Up Today

4 years ago

Thursday, Oct. 22, 12-2pm CDT / 10-12pm PST Call to Action Virtual MeetingHosted by State Senator Jose Menendez, NASW/TX ,…

SCHOOL CRISIS RECOVERY & RENEWAL (SCRR) PROJECT Launches 4-Month Virtual Series For School Leaders

4 years ago

School crisis readiness is essential. Response is critical. And: what happens after matters, too. SCRR supports students, educators, school staff,…

NASW-PACE Endorsements For Congressional Candidates Running For Office In California

4 years ago

NASW released PACE's endorsements for congressional candidates in all 50 states. We've compiled the endorsements for candidates running for office…

Unwinding the Handmaid’s Tale: Social Work’s Role in Structural Racism (and Pathways to Transformation) — Virtual Event By The SoCal Social Work Women’s Council Held On October 24th

4 years ago

Please Join us for The So Cal Social Work Women's Council Social Work Justice and Ethics Workshop: UNWINDING THE HANDMAID'S…

ANNOUNCEMENT: Notice of Change of Presenter For Virtual Conference Saturday Session

4 years ago

We would just like to annouce that the presenter for, "How COVID-19 Changed Use of Technology in Social Work" –…

CalPACE’s 2020 Ballot Proposition Recommendations

4 years ago

If you are not sure about what this year's ballot propositions are about, check out our CalPACE Committee's recommendations for…

REMINDER: NASW-CA Accepting Applications for 2020-2021 Native American Birdwoman Student Scholarship Until October 31st

4 years ago

GOAL: To recruit and increase the number of Native American social workers. NASW-CA will provide up to TEN $1,000 scholarships to Native American…

NASW-CA Virtual Conference Announcement: Change of Session for Friday Afternoon Workshop

4 years ago

We'd like to announce that one of our sessions, "Cultural Competency in Disaster Mental Health" by Robin Siegal, has been…

BBS Announcement: Order Extending Eligibility Periods to Take or Retake Examinations for Clinical Social Worker Applicants

4 years ago

From the CA Board of Behavioral Sciences: Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-39-20, during the current State ofEmergency, the…

REMINDER: NASW California Chapter Offering Wildfire Disaster Scholarships For Online CEUs

4 years ago

To support current NASW-CA members who are ASWs or LCSWs and have lost their permanent residence or employment as a result…