senior man with care worker at home NASW and the National Center for Complex Health & Social Needs have partnered to…
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been nearly 4,000 recorded hate incidents against the Asian American community,…
UC Davis MIND Institute, Northern California Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) program is recruiting! LEND is a…
INTRODUCTION: The spread and danger of COVID-19 prompted Pre K-12 schools to close unexpectedly during the Spring of 2020. To…
Have you thought about getting more involved with NASW? Is there an issue that is dear to your hear that…
Annual Chapter elections are currently underway until April 30th! Make sure you make your voice and your vote count by…
NASW has launched annual automatic renewal as an option for paying membership dues. Members who enroll in auto renewal can set their membership to renew automatically each…
submitted by Adria Navarro, Ph.D., LCSW On April 10th, 2021 the NASW CA Board voted on a motion to establish…
The NASW-California Chapter, the California Association of School Social Workers (CASSW), and the California Society for Clinical Social Work (CSCSW)…
Public attention and policy responses to the tragic murders in Atlanta and other hate incidents have demonstrated the resilience and…