Announcement From BBS Regarding Upcoming Exams

5 years ago

Our testing vendor, Pearson Vue, announced that effective today and continuing until April 16, 2020,  all Pearson Vue owned examination…

IMPORTANT: Medicare Telemedicine Healthcare Provider Fact Sheet

5 years ago

CMS just issued the below information about telehealth for Medicare beneficiaries. We want to get it to you right away:…


5 years ago

The NASW California Chapter is cancelling its April 19-20, 2020 Lobby Days event due to the worsening COVID-19 situation. We are…

Statements from LA County DCFS and SEIU 721 Regarding “Trials of Gabriel Fernandez” Netflix Docuseries

5 years ago

The Netflix Docuseries "Trials of Gabriel Fernandez" has given the tragic case of Gabriel Fernandez renewed attention nationwide as the…

NASW-CA Update Regarding Our Annual Lobby Days Amid Coronavirus Fears

5 years ago

Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19 The National Association of Social Workers California Chapter is closely monitoring developments related to the respiratory…

SAVE THE DATE -“Navigating the Licensing Process” Virtual Webinar On April 6th, 2020!

5 years ago

Join us for a virtual California licensure workshop. Navigating the California LCSW process can be confusing and overwhelming. If you…

REGION I: Celebrate Social Work Month at Casa Fina Restaurant on March 14th, 2020

5 years ago

Join us for brunch and self-care this coming Social Work Month!!! Let’s celebrate each other’s accomplishments and the many contributions…

REGION G: Ventura County Unit Hosts Workshop For Contemporary Legal & Ethical Responsibilities In Serving LGBTQ Community On April 2, 2020

5 years ago

The Ventura County Unit in Region G and Ventura County Health Agency are hosting a full day of workshops on…

NASW-CA Online Program: Celebrate Social Work Month 2020 with a 40% Discount!

5 years ago

Celebrate Social Work Month 2020 Take 40% off on any one or more online courses purchased in one transaction. Discount…

Celebrate Social Work Month with 20% off NASW Press Books and eBooks!

5 years ago

Your 20% discount will automatically be applied to your print book order prior to the final credit card charge. For…