Thank you to our 2019-2020 NASW-CA Interns

5 years ago

We would like to give a sincere and bittersweet thank you to our interns for the 2019-2020 school year! Alejandro,…

UCLA Video Series: Perseverance amid the pandemic

5 years ago

UCLA Luskin social welfare alumni reveal some fear and frustration and a whole lot of dedication. By Les Dunseith | April…

VOTING IS SOCIAL WORK: Permissible Election Activities Checklist For 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organizations

5 years ago

This year, 2020, marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote. Let’s celebrate this…

Volunteers & Donations Needed in Long Beach To Help Combat COVID-19

5 years ago

From In response to the COVID-19 public health emergency facing our community, the City of Long Beach has received…

JOB OPENINGS: Larkin Street Youth Services Hiring for 3 Positions in San Francisco

5 years ago

Larkin Street Youth Services Behavioral Health & Client Practice Division is currently hiring for the following positions:1. Manager of Client Practice2.…

200 Days to Go: The Power of Our Votes and Our Voices in 2020

5 years ago

Date And Time:Wed, April 15, 20203:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT This event will focus on the importance of the…

PRACTICE ALERT: Medicaid Considerations to Support Communities During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

5 years ago

April 2020 During this COVID-19 crisis, states are leveraging the Medicaid program to expand health insurance coverage and make health…

PRACTICE ALERT: Medicare Revises Telehealth Place of Service and Modifier Codes During COVID-19

5 years ago

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced on April 3, 2020, revisions for telehealth place of service (POS) and…

8 Ethical Considerations for Starting a Telehealth Practice

5 years ago

Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technologies, such as computers and mobile devices, to provide, access, and…