Categories: Political Action

Political Action

Legislative Scorecard for the 2013 Legislative Session

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The National Association of Social Workers, California Chapter (NASW-CA) is proud to release our 2013 Legislative Scorecard. NASW-CA represents more than 10,000 professional social workers who have degrees from accredited social work programs. NASW-CA advocates on behalf of our members and their clients, for the implementation and improvement of programs and policies designed to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic needs of all people. For more information on the NASW-CA policy priorities, please visit


This analysis is based on the final floor votes (excluding the concurrence vote) cast on the selected measures. Legislators who were officially absent for a vote did not have their vote included in the rating. The Governor’s rating is based on whether he signed or vetoed measures we supported. Please note that these bills are a subset of the bills on NASW-CA’s priority list for 2013 and do not constitute all of the bills NASW-CA took a position on in 2013.

Summary of Legislation

AB 4 (Ammiano) State Government: Federal Immigration Policy Enforcement

Sets state policy that prohibits local officials from detaining an individual on an immigration hold after that person becomes eligible for release from criminal custody unless the person has a serious or violent conviction.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor

AB 10 (Alejo) Minimum Wage: Annual Adjustment

This bill would raise the minimum wage incrementally until it reaches $10 an hour by 2016.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor

AB 218 (Dickinson) Employment Applications: Criminal History

Would prohibit a state or local agency from asking an applicant to disclose information regarding a criminal conviction on an initial employment application until after the applicant’s qualifications for the position have been determined to meet the requirements for the position.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor

AB 309 (Mitchell) CalFresh: Homeless Youth

This bill would expedite the receipt of CalFresh benefits for homeless youth.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor


AB 402 (Ammiano) Disability Income Insurance: Mental Illness

Requires specified disability income insurance policies to cover disability caused by severe mental illness.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor


AB 624 (Mitchell) County Jail: Rehabilitation Credits

Authorizes a sheriff or county director of corrections to award a prisoner program credit reduction from an inmate’s term of confinement for the successful completion of performance objectives for approved rehabilitative programming.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor


AB 663 (Gomez) Care Facilities: Training Requirements

This bill would require training in cultural competency and sensitivity in aging lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues to address the special needs of elderly LGBT adults in residential facilities for seniors.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor


AB 1006 (Yamada) Juvenile Court Records: Sealing and Destruction

This bill would require each court and probation department to ensure that juveniles are provided with information regarding the eligibility for and the procedures to request the sealing and destruction of their juvenile records.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor


AB 1094 (Brown) CalWORKs: Eligibility

This bill expands the definition of disability-based unearned income to include veterans disability compensation for purposes of the income disregard under the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor


AB 1195 (Eggman) Public Records: Crime Victims

Prohibits law enforcement agencies from requiring proof of legal presence in the United States (U.S.) and refusing to accept certain forms of identification in order for a victim to receive a copy of their crime report.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor


AB 1266 (Ammiano) Pupil Rights: Sex-Segegated School Programs and Activities

This bill requires a pupil be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, and facilities including athletic teams and competitions, consistent with his/her gender identity.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor


SB 131 (Beall) Damages: Childhood Sexual Abuse: Statute of Limitations

This bill modifies the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse in certain instances for one year. This bill allows more time for victims who were over the age of 26, by January 1, 2003, who during the previous one-year window in 2003 had not made a causal connection between their childhood abuse and their adult psychological injuries or illness.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Vetoed by the Governor


SB 177 (Liu) Homeless Youth Education Success Act

This bill would require a homeless child or youth to be immediately deemed to meet the residency requirement for participation in interscholastic sports or other extracurricular activities. This bill would also require public schools and county offices of education to immediately enroll a homeless child or youth seeking enrollment.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed by the Governor


SB 252 (Liu) CalWORKs: Welfare-to-Work Requirements

This bill clarifies that a pregnant woman who is unable to obtain medical verification of a pregnancy related illness but is otherwise eligible for the good cause exemption shall be exempt from participation in specified welfare-to-work activities. The bill would authorize a pregnant woman to satisfy welfare-to-work participation requirements, by participating in a voluntary maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting program or another home visiting program for low-income Californians that is approved by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by the Governor


SB 400 (Jackson) Employment Protections: Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking

The bill prohibits an employer from discharging or in any manner discriminating or retaliating against an employee because of the employee’s known status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. This bill also requires the employer to make reasonable accommodations in a timely manner for an employee who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking,

NASW-CA Position: Support

Outcome: Signed into law by Governor


2013 Highlights and Notes

In 2013 we were happy to see the passage of several measures that had been attempted in the past without success. This includes AB 10, which will finally raise the minimum wage in this state. We also saw the passage of AB 4 to reduce the number of deportations for minor crimes and the passage of AB 218 in order that a criminal record would not need to be disclosed on an initial employment application. We also saw the passage of one of our Lobby Days bills, AB 663, to provide training on cultural competency and sensitivity to aging LGBT issues.

Unfortunately, we did not succeed with our title protection bill (AB 252) this year but we intend to advocate for some type of title protection in the future. Another lobby days bill, SB 61, on procedures to reduce solitary confinement for juveniles is a two-year bill and may be taken up again next year. For our entire legislative package, which includes the 15 bills outlined above, the Governor signed 67 bills that we supported and he vetoed 5. Many measures we supported stalled because of fiscal considerations.

We look forward to the new legislative session and to a happier (state) fiscal year!




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