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AB 60 Driver’s License

By Jasmine Villalta, MSW candidate

AB 60 authorizes the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue an original driver’s license to a person who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant’s presence in the United States is authorized under federal law if he/she meets all other qualifications for licensure and provides satisfactory proof to DMV of his/her identity and California residency.

According to an Assembly Floor Analysis, “The issue of allowing the licensure of undocumented immigrants has been considered almost continually by the Legislature since the 1999–2000 Legislative Session. Overall, almost every proposal has died, been vetoed, or in one instance, been enacted but subsequently repealed before its implementation.”

This law will be fully implemented on January 1, 2015 and will assure all motorists, whether citizens or not, are trained, tested, and insured.

Social workers can educate their clients and the community about this new law and guide them through the process of licensure. Below you can find information, both in English and Spanish, provided by the DMV about the AB 60 license and how individuals can prepare themselves for the written test and driving exam.

How can you prepare yourself and others?
Be prepared to take a written test on the day you apply for your driver’s license. Everyone must pass a “rules of the road” written test. If you do not pass your test, you must return to DMV to take another written test.

Study the California Driver Handbook, available in English, Armenian, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese (coming soon in Arabic), on the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website at

Take practice tests on the DMV website at (coming soon in other languages). Practice tests are also available on the DMV Now iPhone and Android application.

The list of approved documents for AB licenses has not been finalized. However, we encourage you to begin gathering documents that can help establish residency and verify identity.

Keep in mind
DMV has not begun issuing AB 60 driver’s licenses. DMV will do so by January 1, 2015.

Be aware that you do not pay an agent for information or services. Information is free at the DMV.

AB 60 prohibits law enforcement agencies from using the driver’s license for criminal investigation, arrest, or detention based on immigration status.


Licencia de manejar AB 60

En conformidad con el proyecto de ley de la asamblea llamado AB 60 (Ch. 524, Stats. 2013) el DMV comenzará a emitir licencias de manejar a solicitantes quienes no puedan proveer comprobante de su estado legal en los Estados Unidos. Por lo Tanto, los requisitos para solicitor licencias de manejar se modificarán de acuerdo a la fecha que la ley entra en vigor, el 1° de enero de 2015.

¿Cómo puede preparase?
Esté preparado para tomar un examen escrito el día que solicite su licencia de manejar. Todas las personas deben aprobar un examen escrito sobre los reglamentos vials. Si no aprueba el examen, debe regresar al DMV para tomar otro examen escrito.

Estudie el “Manual del Automovilista de California” disponsible en inglés, armenio, chino, farsi, coreano, penjabi, ruso, español, tagalo y vietnamita (y próximamente en árabe) en la página de Internet del Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados (DMV) en

Tome los exámines de prática en el sitio de Internet del DMV en (próximamente en otros idiomas). Los exámines de práctica están también disponibles en las aplicaciones del “DMV ahora” de iPhone y Android.

La lista de documentos aprobados en relacíon a las licencias AB 60 no se ha terminado. Sin embargo, se le recomienda que empiece a reunir los docuementos que le ayuden a comprobar su residencia y verificar su identidad.

El DMV no ha empezado a expedir licencias de manejar AB 60. Esto se hará a partir del 1° de enero de 2015.

Tenga cuidado-usted no necesita pagarle a una tercera persona para recibir información o servicios. La información es totalmente gratis en el DMV.

La ley AB 60 prohíbe a las autoridades policiales ulitizar la licencia de manejar para realizar investigaciones ciminales, arrestos o detenciones basados en el estatus migratorio.


Jasmine Villalta, MSW candidate, is an intern at NASW-CA and can be reached at


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