NASW-CA Chapter Committee Descriptions

NASW-CA Chapter Committee Descriptions

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee selects one California Chapter member for the Social Worker of the Year Award, one member for the Lifetime Achievement Award, and one public citizen for the Public Citizen of the Year Award. The Committee selects recipients for the Dorothy F. Kirby Youth Social Worker of the Year and the Dorothy F. Kirby Administrator of the Year Awards. The Committee selects the statewide annual recipients from those nominations submitted through the regional award process and other sources.

Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee is responsible for periodic review of the Chapter Bylaws and makes written recommendations to the Board of Directors for Bylaws changes. It is the responsibility of the Bylaws Committee to: Develop written recommendations to be submitted to the Board of Directors for changes or amendments in the Chapter Bylaws; Insure that Chapter activities are carried out according to existing Bylaws.

CalPACE Committee

The California Political Action for Candidate Election Committee’s primary duties include: (1) To help elect and re-elect public officials and candidates who support the goals and objectives of the social work profession and its clients; (2) To promote the adoption of legislation that is in the interest of the social work profession and its clients; (3) To oppose legislation that is detrimental to the social work profession and its clients; and (4) To promote member education and mobilization of lawful political action.

Committee on Nominations and Leadership Identification (CNLI)

The Committee on Nominations and Leadership Identification (CNLI) primary duties include: (1) Selecting at least two candidates for each position in the regular election of Chapter officers, Board members; Delegates, etc; and (2) Developing a leadership roster to be used by the President and to aid in the selection of candidates; and (3) Assuring Regions recommend such nominees as may be required for Regional positions.

Communications Committee

The Communication Committee’s primary duties include: (1) Developing editorial policy; In consultation with staff; (2) Making ongoing decisions about continuity and content between issues; (3) Developing processes to facilitate membership participation, and; (4) Creating a planned balance for reporting Chapter and Regional news and activities. /p>

Diversity Committee

The mission of the Diversity Committee is to promote respect for and equitable representation of diverse individuals, groups, and classes. The Committee works toward achieving equity and parity at all levels – from individual to society. It seeks to eradicate discrimination and oppression, which is often connected to race, ethnicity, national origin, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, political belief, mental or physical ability, and other preferences, personal characteristics, or statuses.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is responsible for hearing and determining complaints filed in accord with the Association’s policy for adjudication of grievances. This committee may be augmented by hearing panels developed in local areas. The Ethics Committee receives and processes complaints regarding unethical conduct by individual members of NASW related to (a) an agency’s violation of personnel standards in social work or (b) an agency’s imposition of limitations or penalties for professional action on behalf of clients.

Finance Committee

The Finance – Ways and Means – Committee is responsible for assisting the Treasurer in preparation of an annual budget, monitoring fiscal operations, and establishing fiscal policy. This Committee’s primary duties are: (1) Reviewing reports on the income and expenditures of the Chapter; (2) Bringing to the attention of the Board of Directors all questions regarding Chapter finances that require Board consideration and action; and (3) preparing tentative budgets for presentation to the Board of Directors.

Membership Committee

The mission of the Membership Committee is to serve members, expand our membership base, and ensure the diversity of our professional association. Diversity includes: ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender, age area of specialization, and employment sector. The purpose of the Membership Committee is to expand and enhance services to the membership of NASW California Chapter through effective program planning, organizational development and increased membership participation.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board regarding personnel policy and for monitoring policy operation. It shall be the Personnel Committee’s responsibilities to review (at least every two years) the Chapter’s Personnel Practices. Revisions and recommendations are to be made in writing to the Board of Directors for action.

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee’s primary duties include: (1) Assessing professional development needs of the membership; (2) Establish a program to assist members in meeting their professional development needs through continuing education workshops, conferences and other programs: (3) Establishing a system for assessing and approving providers of Professional Development; and (4) Coordinating professional development efforts with other professions licensing boards and other relevant organizations.

Program Committee

The Program Committee is responsible for developing or approving all programs (both local and statewide) and policies relating to programs. The Program Committee’s primary duties include: (1) Preparing annual Chapter goals, priorities and objectives, reflecting National goals as adopted by the Delegate Assembly; (2) Monitoring activities of Chapter units as they relate to the Chapter goals, priorities and objectives; and (3) Recommending changes in Chapter programs or units.

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